October 4, 2023
Enhancing Your Site's Search Experience With Craft

At Dot All 2023 in Barcelona, I had the opportunity to give a talk on how search works in Craft CMS, building on my earlier article on the topic. Here's the talk description:
The on-site search experience is an integral part of nearly all websites, and often one that gets taken for granted. But tailoring a great search experience requires planning, development time, and iteration. In this talk, we’ll discuss different approaches to handling on-site search, comparing Craft CMS’s built-in search functionality with popular third-party options like Algolia. We’ll dive into how Craft actually determines and scores results behind the scenes, as well as ways you can extend and customize that functionality via a custom module or plugin. We’ll also briefly discuss how you can use GA4 to track the search queries real-world users are making on your site, and how that data can be used to inform and improve your site’s search experience.
You can watch the recording on the Craft website below.